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John Markoff - African Venice
Paul Kaplan and Shaul Bassi, Foreword by Igiaba Scego, and Afterword by Maaza Mengiste - The Age of Rembrandt
Roland Fleischer, and Susan S. Munshower - An Age of Tyrants
Christopher A. Snyder - Alchemical Belief
Bruce Janacek - Alexander Bestuzhev-Marlinsky and Russian Byronism
Lewis Bagby - Algériennes
Swann Meralli, Deloupy, and Translated by Ivanka Hahnenberger - All Men and Both Sexes
Hilda L. Smith - Alter Icons
Edited by Jefferson J. A. Gatrall, and Douglas Greenfield - Andrew Marvell and Edmund Waller
A. B. Chambers - Animal Companions
Ingrid H. Tague - The Anointment of Dionisio
Marion Leathers Kuntz - The Arab Bureau
Bruce Westrate - The Aroma of Righteousness
Deborah A. Green - The Arras Witch Treatises
Edited and translated by Andrew Colin Gow, Robert B. Desjardins, and François V. Pageau - The Art of Allegiance
Michael Schreffler - Art, Liturgy, and Legend in Renaissance Toledo
Lynette M. F. Bosch - An Artful Relic
Andrew R. Casper - At the Crossroads of the Senses
Polina Dimova - Atlantic Crossroads in Lisbon’s New Golden Age, 1668–1750
Cacey Bowen Farnsworth - Balancing the Scales of Justice
Anthony Crubaugh - Baroque Seville
Amanda Wunder - The Bathhouse at Midnight
W. F. Ryan - Battling Demons
Michael D. Bailey - Becoming a Revolutionary
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G. Jonathan Greenwald - The Bernward Gospels
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Howard Saalman - Binding Words
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Rachel Poliquin - Burden of Dreams
Catherine Wanner - Career Stories
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Bonnie Effros - Catherine of Aragon
Theresa Earenfight - Catholic and French Forever
Joseph F. Byrnes - Censorship and Conflict in Seventeenth-Century England
Randy Robertson - Cervantine Blackness
Nicholas R. Jones - Changing Patrons
Jill Burke - The Chankas and the Priest
Sabine Hyland - Charlotte von Kirschbaum and Karl Barth
Suzanne Selinger - The Child Witches of Olague
Lu Ann Homza - Christian Intellectuals and the Roman Empire
Jared Secord - Christine de Pizan and the Fight for France
Tracy Adams - Chronicling History
Edited by Sharon Dale, Alison Williams Lewin, and Duane J. Osheim - Cities of God
Augustine Thompson, O.P. - Cold War Endgame
Edited by William C. Wohlforth - The Colonels’ Coup and the American Embassy
Robert V. Keeley, and Prologue by John O. Iatrides - Color in the Age of Impressionism
Laura Anne Kalba - The Coming of Christianity to Anglo-Saxon England
Henry Mayr-Harting - The Commonwealth of Nature
C. Jean Campbell - Comrades and Commissars
Cecil D. Eby - Condorcet
Edited, translated, and with an introduction by Guillaume Ansart - The Conquest on Trial
Carlos A. Jáuregui - Conscience and Community
Andrew R. Murphy - Consensus and Debate in Salazar's Portugal
Ellen W. Sapega - A Constellation of Authority
Kyle C. Lincoln - Contested Treasure
Thomas W. Barton - The Continuity of the Conquest
Wendy Marie Hoofnagle - Cracking Under Pressure
Lynn Owens - Creating Social Democracy
Edited by Klaus Misgeld, Edited by Karl Molin, and Edited by Klas Åmark - The Creation of the French Royal Mistress
Tracy Adams and Christine Adams - Creole
Darcy Grimaldo Grigsby - Cult of the Will
Michael Cowan - Cultural Exchange and the Cold War
Yale Richmond - The Cultural Politics of Tel Quel
Danielle Marx-Scouras - The Culture of Architecture in Enlightenment Rome
Heather Hyde Minor - The Culture of Power in Serbia
Eric D. Gordy - David Hume
Claudia M. Schmidt - David Hume
Edited by Mark G. Spencer - The Defeat of a Renaissance Intellectual
Francesco Guicciardini, and Carlo Celli - Defending the Conquest
Edited by Kris Lane, and translated by d F. Johnson - Defending the Faith
Edited by Angela Ranson, André A. Gazal, and Sarah Bastow - Depicting the Holy War
Elizabeth Lapina - Deutsche Mark Diplomacy
Randall E. Newnham - Dialectic and Gospel in the Development of Hegel's Thinking
Stephen Crites - Dialectics, Dogmas, and Dissent
John Rodden - Disciplined Exuberance
Linda Neagley - Discourses of Empire
Barbara Simerka - Disenchanting Albert the Great
David J. Collins, S. J. - Disillusioned
Jordan Bear - Domesticating Revolution
Gerald W. Creed - Dynamic Matter
Edited by Jennifer Linhart Wood - Dynamic Splendor
Ann Terry and Henry Maguire - Émilie Charmy
Matthew Affron, and with contributions by Sarah Betzer and Rita Felski - The End Again
Oscar E. Vázquez - The English Reformation: Second Edition
A. G. Dickens - Enlightenment Anthropology
Carl Niekerk - The Environmental Crusaders
Myron Peretz Glazer, and Penina Migdal Glazer - Everyday Life in the German Book Trade
Pamela E. Selwyn - Everyday Magicians
Sharon Hubbs Wright and Frank Klaassen - Ezra Pound in London and Paris, 1908–1925
James J. Wilhelm - The Fabric of Gender
Helen Chenut - Family, Gender, and Law in Early Modern France
Edited by Suzanne Desan and Jeffrey Merrick - Fast and Feast
Bridget Ann Henisch - The Fear of Freedom
Rowan A. Greer - Fictions of the Feminine in the Nineteenth-Century Spanish Press
Lou Charnon-Deutsch - The Fight for Status and Privilege in Late Medieval and Early Modern Castile, 1465–1598
Michael J. Crawford - The First Historians
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Leslie Topp - The French Nobility in the Eighteenth Century
Edited by Jay M. Smith - Friendship and Politics in Post-Revolutionary France
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Julia I. Miller and Laurie Taylor-Mitchell - From Hitler's Doorstep
Edited by Neal H. Petersen - From The Polish Underground
Edited by Michael Bernhard, and Henryk Szlajfer - From the Salon to the Schoolroom
Rebecca Rogers - The Fruit of Her Hands
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Philip O'Leary - Gender Politics in the Western Balkans
Edited by Sabrina P. Ramet - Georg Forster
Todd Kontje - German Pietism and the Problem of Conversion
Jonathan Strom - German Unification in the European Context
Peter H. Merkl - Gibbon’s Christianity
Hugh Liebert - Global Germany Circa 1800
Todd Kontje - God on the Western Front
Joseph F. Byrnes - Gods of the Andes
Sabine Hyland - Gothic Feminism
Diane Long Hoeveler - Graphic Passion
John Bidwell - Greece at the Crossroads
Edited by John O. Iatrides, and Linda Wrigley - The Greek Girl's Story
Abbé Prévost, translated and with an introduction by Alan J. Singerman, Foreword by Jean Sgard - Growing Up Working Class
Robert Wegs - Habsburg Madrid
Jesús Escobar - Herrnhut
Paul Peucker - The House of Blackwood
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Emily D. Johnson - Hungary at War
Cecil D. Eby - Icons of Power
Naomi Janowitz - The Idea of the Vernacular
Jocelyn Wogan-Browne, Nicholas Watson, Andrew Taylor, and Ruth Evans - Ideologies of History in the Spanish Golden Age
Anthony J. Cascardi - Illuminated Haggadot from Medieval Spain
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Benno Lowe - Imagining the Americas in Medici Florence
Lia Markey - Imagining the Nation
Daina Stukuls Eglitis - An Imperial Homeland
Adam A. Blackler - Imperial Lyric
Leah Middlebrook - In a Defiant Stance
John P. Reid - In Light of Rome
John F. McGuigan, Jr., Frank H. Goodyear III, and Foreword by Maria Francesca Bonetti - In Search of Peace and Prosperity
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Vladko Maček - Inside the Soviet Alternate Universe
Dick Combs, and Foreword by Jack F. Matlock Jr. - Intervention and Underdevelopment
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Areli Marina - The Jacobin Republic Under Fire
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Brian Patrick McGuire - Jean Jaurès
Geoffrey Kurtz - A Jewish Youth in Dresden
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Edited by Bernard Dov Cooperman, and Barbara Garvin - Joan of Arc in the English Imagination, 1429–1829
Gail Orgelfinger - Journal of William Penn
William Penn - Journey through Landscape in Seventeenth-Century Holland
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Michèle Hannoosh - Jutta and Hildegard
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Lorraine M. Lees - Killing Detente
Anne Cahn - The King’s Body
Sergio Bertelli, and Translated by R. Burr Litchfield - A Kingdom on Earth
Paul T. Phillips - La Vie De Nostre Benoit Sauveur
Millard Meiss, Elizabeth H. Beatson, and Jean Gerson - The Ladies of Zamora
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Claude-François de Lezay-Marnésia, Edited with an introduction by Benjamin Hoffmann, and Translated by Alan J. Singerman - Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
Jack R. Mason and Lynn Hunt - Licensing Loyalty
Jane McLeod - Lies of the Land
Camille Serchuk - The Life of Michelangelo
Edited by Hellmut Wohl, and Translated by Alice Sedgwick Wohl - The Light in Their Consciences: Twentieth Anniversary Edition
Rosemary Moore - Light on the Eternal City
Hellmut Hager, and Susan S. Munshower - Literary Translation in Russia
Maurice Friedberg - The Long Life of Magical Objects
Allegra Iafrate - Lorenzo de’ Medici
Edited and Translated by Jon Thiem - Lorenzo de’ Medici at Home
Edited and translated by Richard Stapleford - Lost Worlds
Jonathan Dewald - Love Cures
Laine E. Doggett - Luxury After the Terror
Iris Moon - Magic in the Cloister
Sophie Page - Marx's Fate
Jerrold Seigel - Mary’s Mother
Virginia Nixon - Master Pongo
Mustafa Haikal, and Translated by Thomas Dunlap - Measuring Shadows
Raz Chen-Morris - Medicine, Religion, and Magic in Early Stuart England
Ofer Hadass - Medieval Art in Motion
Mariah Proctor-Tiffany - The Medieval Calendar Year
Bridget Ann Henisch - Medieval Roles for Modern Times
Helen Solterer - Mediterranean Encounters
Elisabeth A. Fraser - Melancholy Politics
Jean-Philippe Mathy - Memoirs of Nikita Khrushchev
Edited by Sergei Khrushchev - Memoirs of Nikita Khrushchev
Edited by Sergei Khrushchev - Memoirs of Nikita Khrushchev
Edited by Sergei Khrushchev - Memory and Modernity
Kevin D. Murphy - Milton in Government
Robert Thomas Fallon - The Mineral and the Visual
Brigitte Buettner - Missing Socrates
Jay Farness - Modernism and Its Merchandise
Juli Highfill - A Monk's Confession
Edited and Translated by Paul Archambault - Monumental Intolerance
Neil McWilliam - The Moving Statues of Seventeenth-Century Amsterdam
Angela Vanhaelen - Murder and Madness on Trial
Mònica Calabritto - Music for the Revolution
Amy Nelson - My Six Years with Gorbachev
Anatoly C. Chernyaev, Edited by Robert English, and Elizabeth Tucker - My Years with Gorbachev and Shevardnadze
Pavel Palazchenko - The Nature of Authority
Dianne Harris - Nature’s Experiments and the Search for Symbolist Form
Allison Morehead - Nature's Truth
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Cordula Grewe - Neighbors at War
Edited by Joel M. Halpern, and David A. Kideckel - Neoliberalism, Accountability, and Reform Failures in Emerging Markets
Luigi Manzetti - A New Antiquity
Alessandra Russo - A New Science
Bruce Mazlish - The Night the Old Regime Ended
Michael P. Fitzsimmons - Nikita Khrushchev and the Creation of a Superpower
Sergei Khrushchev - Nîmes at War
Robert Zaretsky - The Noisy Renaissance
Niall Atkinson - On the Battlefields of the Cold War
Victor Israelyan - Origins of the Witches’ Sabbath
Michael D. Bailey - Orthodox Russia
Edited by Valerie A. Kivelson, and Robert H. Greene - Otto III
Gerd Althoff, and Translated by Phyllis G. Jestice - Out of Order
Ellen Carnaghan - The Oxford Movement
C. Brad Faught - Painting and Politics in Northern Europe
Margaret D. Carroll - Painting as Medicine in Early Modern Rome
Frances Gage - Painting the Hortus deliciarum
Danielle B. Joyner - Panorama of Paris
Edited by Jeremy D. Popkin - Paris in the Age of Absolutism: Revised and Expanded Edition
Orest Ranum - Paris: Center of Artistic Enlightenment
Edited by George Mauner, Jeanne Chenault Porter, Elizabeth Bradford Smith, and Susan S. Munshower - Parthenope's Splendor
Jeanne Chenault Porter, and Susan S. Munshower - Passing to América
Thomas A. Abercrombie - Pathology and Visual Culture
Natasha Ruiz-Gómez - People of the Image
Marc Michael Epstein - Performing Animals
Edited by Karen Raber and Monica Mattfeld - The Photography of Crisis
Daniel H. Magilow - Picturing Experience in the Early Printed Book
Elizabeth Ross - Picturing Kingship
Harvey Stahl - Pietas from Vergil to Dryden
James Garrison - Pieter Bruegel’s Historical Imagination
Stephanie Porras - Piranesi’s Lost Words
Heather Hyde Minor - The Play World
Patricia Anne Simpson - Poeticized Language
Steven Winspur, and Jean-Jacques Thomas - Policing Same-Sex Relations in Eighteenth-Century Paris
Edited by Jeffrey Merrick - The Political Thought of Jacques Rancière
Todd May - The Politics of English Jacobinism
Edited by Gregory Claeys - The Politics of the Provisional
Richard Taws - The Portrait of Eccentricity
Giancarlo Maiorino - Portraiture and Politics in Revolutionary France
Amy Freund - The Power and the Glorification
Jan L. de Jong - Power and the Sacred in Revolutionary Russia
Glennys Young - The Power of Symbols Against the Symbols of Power
Jan Kubik - The Powers of Sound and Song in Early Modern Paris
Nicholas Hammond - The Powers of the Holy
David Aers, and Lynn Staley - The Practice of Patriarchy
Julie Hardwick - The Prado
Eugenia Afinoguénova - Prayer, Magic, and the Stars in the Ancient and Late Antique World
Edited by Scott Noegel, Joel Walker, and Brannon Wheeler - Precious Metal
Peter H. Christensen - Press, Revolution, and Social Identities in France, 1830–1835
Jeremy D. Popkin - Priests of the French Revolution
Joseph F. Byrnes - A Prodigal Saint
Nadieszda Kizenko - The Profane, the Civil, and the Godly
Richard P. Gildrie - Projects and Monuments in the Period of the Roman Baroque
Hellmut Hager, and Susan S. Munshower - The Prose Literature of the Gaelic Revival, 1881–1921
Philip O'Leary - Protest Politics in Germany
Roger Karapin - Publisher to the Decadents
James G. Nelson - Queen, Mother, and Stateswoman
Silvia Z. Mitchell - The Radical Right in Central and Eastern Europe Since 1989
Edited by Sabrina P. Ramet - Radical Whigs and Conspiratorial Politics in Late Stuart England
Melinda S. Zook - Radicals in Exile
Freddy Cristóbal Domínguez - Rage and Denials
Branko Mitrović - Raphael and France
Martin Rosenberg - Raphael’s Ostrich
Una Roman D’Elia - Reasoned and Unreasoned Images
Josh Ellenbogen - Religion Around John Donne
Joshua Eckhardt - Religion Around Shakespeare
Peter Iver Kaufman - Religion Around Virginia Woolf
Stephanie Paulsell - Religion Around Walter Benjamin
Brian Britt - Religious Routes to Gladstonian Liberalism
Jacob Ellens - Remarks on Architecture
Ignacy Potocki, edited and translated by Carolyn C. Guile - The Renaissance in the Fields
Duccio Balestracci, Translated by Betsy Merideth, and Paolo Squatriti - The Renaissance Perfected
D. Medina Lasansky - Representing History, 900–1300
Edited by Robert A. Maxwell - Revolt of the Filmmakers
George W. Faraday - The Revolution Takes Form
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Claire Fanger - Rhetorical Style and Bourgeois Virtue
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Benedek Láng, Translated by Benedek Láng, Teodóra Király, and Nick Palmer - The Romanesque Wooden Doors of Auvergne
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Robert Ahdieh - Russia’s First Civil War
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Ran Segev - Sacred Plunder
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Ronald E. Santoni - A Saving Science
Eric M. Ramírez-Weaver - Saving the Children
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Ryan McCormack - Sculptors Against the State
Mark Antliff - Seditious Allegories
Michael Scrivener - Seeking Nature's Logic
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Roger Peattie - Sensory Warfare in the Global Cold War
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Ursula Mahlendorf - SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, vol. 26
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Rochelle Ziskin - A Short History of Russia's First Civil War
Chester S. L. Dunning - Shortage and Famine in the Late Medieval Crown of Aragon
Adam Franklin-Lyons - Signs of Devotion
Virginia Blanton - Silence and Democracy
John G. Zumbrunnen - Siting China in Germany
Christiane Hertel - Skepticism’s Pictures
Melissa Lo - Slovakia on the Road to Independence
Paul Hacker, and with a foreword by Senator Claiborne Pell - Soldiers of Christ
Edited by Thomas F. X. Noble, and Thomas Head - The Spanish Gypsy
Lou Charnon-Deutsch - Speculum Lapidum
Camillo Leonardi, and Translated with an introduction by Liliana Leopardi - The Spinelli of Florence
Philip Jacks, and William Caferro - Spiritual and Demonic Magic
D.P. Walker - Spiritual Calculations
Christine Cooper-Rompato - The Spring Will Be Ours
Andrzej Paczkowski, and Translated by Jane Cave - Stage Fright
Paul du Quenoy - Status, Power, and Identity in Early Modern France
Jonathan Dewald - Stigma
Edited by Katherine Dauge-Roth and Craig Koslofsky - The Stolen Bones of St. John of Matha
A. Katie Harris - Stone Vessels of the Cyclades in the Early Bronze Age
Pat Getz-Gentle - Stories of the Rose
Anne Winston-Allen - Strange Revelations
Lynn Wood Mollenauer - Supernatural Entertainments
Simone Natale - Swedish Mentality
Åke Daun - A Taste for Comfort and Status
Christine Adams - Telling Tales
Joel T. Rosenthal - The Tempietto del Clitunno near Spoleto
Judson Emerick - Terms of Response
Robert Montgomery - Territories of History
Sarah H. Beckjord - Textbook Reds
John Rodden - Texts in Transit in the Medieval Mediterranean
Edited by Y. Tzvi Langermann and Robert G. Morrison - The Theology of the Czech Brethren from Hus to Comenius
Craig D. Atwood - Theories of Tyranny
Roger Boesche - Thomas Reid on Practical Ethics
Edited by Knud Haakonssen - Toledo Cathedral
Tom Nickson - Traces of a Jewish Artist
Kerry Wallach - Transcending Textuality
Ariadna García-Bryce - Translating the World
Birgit Tautz - Traumatic Politics
Barry M. Shapiro - Truth in Many Tongues
Daniel I. Wasserman-Soler - Understandings of Russian Foreign Policy
Edited by Ted Hopf - Unlocked Books
Benedek Láng - Urban Legends
Carrie E. Beneš - The Vienna School of Art History
Matthew Rampley - Viennese Jewish Modernism
Abigail Gillman - Village Infernos and Witches’ Advocates
Lu Ann Homza - Violence and the Genesis of the Anatomical Image
Rose Marie San Juan - Violent First Contact in Venezuela
Peter Hess - Vision and Its Instruments
Edited by Alina Payne - Vision, the Gaze, and the Function of the Senses in “Celestina”
James F. Burke - Visions and Revisions of Eighteenth-Century France
Edited by Christine Adams, Jack R. Mason, and Lisa Jane Graham - Visions of the Future
Matthew Rampley - Visual Aggression
Assaf Pinkus - The Visual Culture of Catholic Enlightenment
Christopher M. S. Johns - Visualizing Household Health
Jennifer Borland - Voices from the Gulag
Tzvetan Todorov, and Translated by Robert Zaretsky - The Volga Germans
Fred C. Koch - The Vulgar Tongue
Edited by Fiona Somerset, and Nicholas Watson - Wandering Monks, Virgins, and Pilgrims
Maribel Dietz - The Wanton Jesuit and the Wayward Saint
Mita Choudhury - Warfare and the Miraculous in the Chronicles of the First Crusade
Elizabeth Lapina - The Wars of Eduard Shevardnadze
Carolyn Ekedahl, and Melvin A. Goodman - Weaving Narrative
Monica L. Wright - Weep Not for Me
Deborah A. Symonds - Women at Work in Preindustrial France
Daryl M. Hafter - The World in Paint
David Peters Corbett - The World of the Early Sienese Painter
Hayden B. J. Maginnis - Writing as Resistance
Rachel Feldhay Brenner - The Writings of Julian of Norwich
Edited by Nicholas Watson and Jacqueline Jenkins - Zodiaque
Janet T. Marquardt
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