Bishop–Lowell Studies
Ian Copestake, Editor
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Bishop–Lowell Studies is a newly founded, peer-reviewed, annual journal published by Penn State University Press in cooperation with both the Elizabeth Bishop Society and the Robert Lowell Society. It welcomes all scholarly writing pertaining entirely or in part to either or both authors, ranging across their respective bodies of poetry, other writings, and literary and cultural significance.
Contact the Elizabeth Bishop Society at
The Robert Lowell Society does not currently have a website. Contact the society President, Steven Axelrod, at
Ian Copestake, Independent Scholar
Associate Editors
Steven Axelrod, University of California, Riverside, US
Tom Travisano, Hartwick College, US
Book Review Editor
Ben Leubner, Montana State University, US
Editorial Board
Thomas Austenfeld, University of Freiburg, CH
Angus Cleghorn, Seneca College, CA
Philip Coleman, Trinity College Dublin, IE
Jonathan Ellis, University of Sheffield, UK
Jo Gill, University of Exeter, UK
Jeffrey Gray, Seton Hall University, US
Bethany Hicok, Williams College, US
Frank Kearful, University of Bonn, DE
Grzegorz Kosc, University of Warsaw, PL
Calista McRae, New Jersey Institute of Technology, US
Diederik Oostdijk, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL
Craig Svonkin, Metropolitan State University of Denver, US
Heather Treseler, Worcester State University, US
The editors seek article length submissions (15-35 pages) as well as book reviews (2-5 pages) from established and emergent international and U.S. scholars alike writing in English. Academic researchers and specialists in the field of twentieth-century American poetry are invited to submit their work to Bishop-Lowell Studies on the journal's submission site, Editorial Manager.
Please view the submission guidelines here or view them on the submission site in the About section in the navigation bar before submitting your manuscript
Submissions to Bishop-Lowell Studies should represent original work and should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Submissions are reviewed by the editor and, when appropriate, sent out for at least one blind review. All submissions receive at least one substantive written assessment. Essays are evaluated for clarity of argument, persuasiveness of evidence, and contribution to scholarly debate. Reviewers make one of the following recommendations: accept, accept with minor revisions, accept with major revisions, revise and resubmit, or decline for publication. Revised essays are assessed by the editor and also, when appropriate, by outside reviewers. Book reviews (minimum 1,500 words) and longer review essays are also welcome, and the review process is similar. The time from submission to initial decision is typically two months.
Authors must abide by fair use rules or be responsible for obtaining permission themselves. For quotations of poetry, fair use is defined as 25% of an individual poem.
Article inquiries may be directed to the editor, Ian Copestake, at .
For proposed book reviews, please contact Ben Leubner, the book review editor, directly at: .
Institutional Print & Online - $240.00
Institutional Print or Online - $172.00
Institutional Single Issue - $180.00
Individual Print & Online - $85.00
Individual Print or Online - $61.00
Individual Single Issue - $66.00
Outside US add Shipping & Handling - $13.00
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