The Vengerova System of Piano Playing
Robert D. Schick
This book is based on detailed notes taken by the author during a decade of study under one of the renowned teachers of piano, whose pupils included such pianists as Gary Graffman, Lilian Kallir, Jacob Lateiner, and Sylvia Saremba and such composer/conductors as Samuel Barber, Leonard Bernstein, Lukas Foss, and Thomas Scherman. Following a brief chapter on Vengerova's personality, the author presents the Vengerova system in respect to posture and hand position, accents, "singing tone," fingering, and pedaling. A final chapter discusses the merits of a relatively rigid system of musical instruction, concluding that Vengerova's approach encouraged "variety with an underlying unity"—a conclusion supported in a survey of her former pupils by Joseph Rezits.
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