The Chaucer Review
A Journal of Medieval Studies and Literary Criticism
Susanna Fein, Editor
David Raybin, Editor
The Chaucer Review
A Journal of Medieval Studies and Literary Criticism
Susanna Fein, Editor
David Raybin, Editor
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Founded in 1966, The Chaucer Review publishes studies of language, sources, social and political contexts, aesthetics, and associated meanings of Chaucer’s poetry, as well as articles on medieval literature, philosophy, theology, and mythography relevant to study of the poet and his contemporaries, predecessors, and audiences. It acts as a forum for the presentation and discussion of research and concepts about Chaucer and the literature of the Middle Ages.
Susanna Fein, Kent State University, US
David Raybin, Eastern Illinois University, US
Editorial Board
Anthony Bale, University of London, UK
Peter G. Beidler, Lehigh University, US
C. David Benson, University of Connecticut, US
Ardis Butterfield, Yale University, US
Christopher Cannon, John Hopkins University, US
Helen Cooper, Magdalene College, Cambridge, UK
John B. Friedman, Kent State University, Salem
Jamie C. Fumo, Florida State University, US
Frank Grady, University of Missouri, St Louis, US
Richard Firth Green, The Ohio State University, US
Carissa M. Harris, Temple University
Simon Horobin, Magdalene College, Oxford, UK
George R. Keiser, Kansas State University, US
Peggy A. Knapp, Carnegie Mellon University, US
Kathy Lavezzo, The University of Iowa, US
Seth Lerer, University of California, San Diego, US
Robert J. Meyer-Lee, Indiana University South Bend, US
Alastair Minnis, Yale University, US
Helen Phillips, Cardiff University
Sarah Stanbury, College of the Holy Cross, US
Marion Turner, Jesus College
If you would like to submit an article to The Chaucer Review, please visit http://www.editorialmanager.com/chaucer and create an author profile. The online system will guide you through the steps to upload your article for submission to the editorial office. The editors, with advice from the editorial board and other specialist reviewers, will make final decisions in a timely manner, typically within four months of receipt.
The Chaucer Review publishes studies of language, sources, social and political contexts, aesthetics, and associated meanings of Chaucer’s poetry, as well as articles on medieval literature, philosophy, theology, and mythography relevant to study of the poet and his contemporaries, predecessors, and audiences.
The journal uses an anonymous review process; please remove all references to or clues about your identity as author(s) from the main text and footnotes. Charts and illustrations should be submitted in digital form whenever possible, and authors are responsible for obtaining any permissions.
Articles should be submitted as Microsoft Word files and must consistently conform to The Chicago Manual of Style. Quotations from Chaucer should reference The Riverside Chaucer, 3rd ed. (unless the edition is at issue in the essay); it is advisable to consult a recent issue for form. Foreign-language quotations should be accompanied by translations. English translations of the Vulgate should be from the Douai-Rheims version.
Complete submission guidelines may be found here.
General inquiries should be directed to the editors.
Institutional Print & Online - $372.00
Institutional Print or Online - $267.00
Institutional Single Issue - $74.00
Individual Print & Online - $101.00
Individual Print or Online - $72.00
Individual Single Issue - $25.00
Outside US add Shipping & Handling - $25.00
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