Thornton Wilder Journal
Jackson R. Bryer, Editor
Mary C. English, Editor
Lincoln Konkle, Editor
Edyta Oczkowicz, Editor
Thornton Wilder Journal
Jackson R. Bryer, Editor
Mary C. English, Editor
Lincoln Konkle, Editor
Edyta Oczkowicz, Editor
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The Thornton Wilder Journal welcomes articles on any aspect of Wilder Studies: analysis of the plays and novels, comparative studies featuring Wilder, explorations of and adaptations of Wilder’s works in the United States and abroad, and research on Wilder’s family and their creative and intellectual output. It also publishes reviews of books about Wilder and of professional productions or innovative non-professional productions.
TWJ is the journal of the Thornton Wilder Society.
The Thornton Wilder Society has the twofold purpose of supporting efforts which expand the literary legacy of Thornton Wilder and of encouraging projects which emphasize the timeless importance of literature and drama to world culture.
The Thornton Wilder Society appeals to anyone who has an interest in the life and works of Thornton Wilder. The Society is international in its scope, attracting Wilder fans, scholars, critics, educators and theatrical professionals and amateurs from all over the world. The Society, in short, is of interest to all who love Wilder, his work, and his belief in the importance of art as a sustaining influence in the world. Visit us online: http://www.twildersociety.org/.
Jackson R. Bryer, University of Maryland, US
Mary C. English, Montclair State University, US
Lincoln Konkle, The College of New Jersey, US
Edyta Oczkowicz, Salem College, US
Performance Review Editor
Terryl W. Hallquist, Vanderbilt University, US
Editorial Board
Park Bucker, University of South Carolina Sumter, US
Shoshana Greenberg, Independent Scholar
Michael Greenwald, Independent Scholar
Judith P. Hallett, University of Maryland, US
Matthew Maguire, Fordham University, US
Dianna Pickens, University of Naples, IT
Stephen J. Rojcewicz, Independent Scholar
Susan D. Thomas, Independent Scholar
The Thornton Wilder Journal welcomes articles on any aspect of Wilder Studies: analysis of the plays and novels, comparative studies featuring Wilder, explorations of and adaptations of Wilder’s works in the United States and abroad, and research on Wilder’s family and their creative and intellectual output. It also publishes reviews of books about Wilder and of professional productions or innovative non-professional productions.
To submit a manuscript to Thornton Wilder Journal, please visit Editorial Manager.
Institutional Print & Online - $267.00
Institutional Print or Online - $190.00
Institutional Single Issue - $103.00
Individual Print & Online - $74.00
Individual Print or Online - $52.00
Individual Single Issue - $33.00
Outside US add Shipping & Handling - $13.00
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