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Studies in the American Short Story

Kirk Curnutt, Editor


Biannual Publication
ISSN 2688-1926
E-ISSN 2688-1942
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Studies in the American Short Story

Kirk Curnutt, Editor

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Studies in the American Short Story (SASS)
is the journal of the Society for the Study of the American Short Story. It publishes articles, notes, reviews, interviews, memoirs, and other materials related to short fiction in America. It is aimed at literary scholars, students of literature, libraries, and general serious readers. It covers all forms of American short fiction in English from its origin in the eighteenth century to the present. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, nationality, ethnicity, or any other reason.

The mission of the journal is to present the most important scholarship on the short fiction published in America. The journal includes discussion of all forms of “stories,” from early anecdotes and sketches, to the development of more formal “stories” with narrative, dialogue, and structure, to realistic masterpieces, to contemporary variations of the form in flash fiction and micro tales. The journal is open to research essays of all kinds with a special emphasis on new biographical, historical, or manuscript information that changes the established interpretation of a story and the way it is taught.

SASS is sponsored by the Society for the Study of the American Short Story, affiliated with the American Literature Association. Membership is open to scholars, students, and independent readers and writers. Please visit the society website at

Kirk Curnutt, Troy University Montgomery, US

Editorial Board
Jochen Achilles, University of Wuerzburg, DE
Alfred Bendixen, Princeton University, US
Kasia Boddy, University of Cambridge, GB
Olivia Edenfield, Georgia Southern University, US
Gudrun M. Grabher, University of Innsbruck, AT
Tara Penry, Boise State University, US
Leslie Petty, Rhodes College, US
Oliver Scheiding, Johannes Gutenberg University, DE
James Thomas, Pepperdine University, US

Founding Editor
James Nagel, University of Georgia, US

To submit an article to SASS please visit

Essays should be in Word and documented in accord with current Chicago Manual of Style parenthetical text citations with a Works Cited section at the end. Separate endnotes are permitted. Notes should be 8-12 pp. and formal articles 18-25 pp. including documentation. Other kinds of material, including interviews, manuscripts, photographs, and letters are also encouraged.

Articles and notes should be written in third person; reviews, memoirs, interviews, and personal reflections should be in first person.

Institutional Print & Online - $267.00

Institutional Print or Online - $190.00

Institutional Single Issue - $103.00

Individual Print & Online - $74.00

Individual Print or Online - $52.00

Individual Single Issue - $33.00

Outside US add Shipping & Handling - $13.00

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