Journal of Africana Religions
Danielle N. Boaz, Editor
Sylvester A. Johnson, Editor
Journal of Africana Religions
Danielle N. Boaz, Editor
Sylvester A. Johnson, Editor
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The Journal of Africana Religions publishes critical scholarship on Africana religions, including the religious traditions of African and African Diasporic peoples as well as religious traditions influenced by the diverse cultural heritage of Africa. An interdisciplinary journal encompassing history, anthropology, Africana studies, gender studies, ethnic studies, religious studies, and other allied disciplines, the Journal of Africana Religions embraces a variety of humanistic and social scientific methodologies in understanding the social, political, and cultural meanings and functions of Africana religions.
The chronological scope of the journal is comprehensive and invites research into the history of Africana religions from ancient to contemporary periods. The journal’s geographical purview is global and comprises Africa, the Americas, Asia, the Atlantic islands (such as Cape Verde and São Tomé), the Caribbean, and Europe. The journal is particularly concerned with publishing research on the historical connections and ruptures involved in the spread of Africana religions from within and beyond Africa. Emphasizing the historical movement or spread of Africana religions and the dynamic transformations they have undergone underscores the nuanced, complex history of these religions and transcends the essentializing gestures that have hindered previous generations of scholarship. For this reason, we encourage authors to examine multiple dimensions of Africana religions, including the relationship between religion and empire, slavery, racism, modern industrial capitalism, and globalization.
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The journal is co-sponsored by the African Association for the Study of the Religions and Association for the Study of the Worldwide African Diaspora. Additional institutional sponsors of the journal include Northwestern University and the Indiana University School of Liberal Arts at IUPUI. The journal’s editorial offices are currently located at IUPUI Department of Religious Studies, Cavanaugh 335, 425 University Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46202.
The African Association for the Study of Religions (AASR) is an academic association that promotes the study of religions in Africa through international collaboration in research, publishing, and teaching. AASR was founded in 1992 in Harare, Zimbabwe at a Regional Conference of the International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR). The AASR has been an affiliate organization of the IAHR since 1995.
The Association for the Study of the Worldwide African Diaspora (ASWAD) is a not-for-profit, tax deductible organization of international scholars seeking to further our understanding of the African Diaspora, that is, the dispersal of people of African descent throughout the world. Through the examination of history, dance, anthropology, literature, women's studies, education, geology, political science, sociology, language, art, music, film, theater, biology, photography, etc., we seek to share the most recent research both within and across disciplinary and other conventional boundaries.
Danielle N. Boaz, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Sylvester A. Johnson, Virginia Tech
Managing Editor
Jeremy Rehwaldt, Midland University
Book Review Editor
S.N. Nyeck, CriSHET, Nelson Mandela University
Editorial Board
Afe Adogame, Princeton Theological Seminary
David Amponsah, University of Pennsylvania
Stephen Angell, Earlham School of Religion
Aisha Mahina Beliso-De Jesús, Princeton University
Ras Michael Brown, Southern Illinois University
David Chidester, University of Cape Town
Yvonne Chireau, Swarthmore College
Musa Dube, University of Botswana
Carol B. Duncan, Wilfrid Laurier University
Martha Frederiks, Utrecht University
Cécile Fromont, Yale University
Michael Gomez, New York University
Kelly E. Hayes, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolies
Elana Jefferson-Tatum, Tufts University
Paul C. Johnson, University of Michigan
Adeline M. Masquelier, Tulane University
Elizabeth McAlister, Wesleyan University
Sarojini Nadar, University of the Western Cape
Mary Nyangweso, East Carolina University
Jacob Olupona, Harvard University
Damaris Parsitau, Egerton University
Damaris Parsitau, Egerton University
Elizabeth Pérez, University of California, Santa Barbara
Anthony B. Pinn, Rice University
Rüdiger Seesemann, University of Bayreuth
Jon Sensbach, University of Florida
Dianne M. Stewart, Emory University
Richard Brent Turner, University of Iowa
Adriaan van Klinken, University of Leeds
Nicole von Germeten, Oregon State University
Judith Weisenfeld, Princeton University
Emma Wild-Wood, University of Edinburgh
Vincent L. Wimbush, Institute for Signifying Scriptures
Jason R. Young, University of Michigan
If you would like to submit an article to JOAR please visit http://www.editorialmanager.com/joar/ and create an author profile. The online system will guide you through the steps to upload your article for submission to the editorial office.
The journal encourages authors to submit unsolicited articles and comprehensive review essays. All academic articles should be approximately 8,000-10,000 words long. Comprehensive review essays should be about 5,000 words in length. An abstract of approximately 150 words must accompany each manuscript. All articles and comprehensive review essays will be peer-reviewed.
Authors interested in contributing short review essays (of two to five recent works) and ideas for round-table discussions should contact the editors before submitting a manuscript. Short review essays and round-table comments, which are not peer reviewed, should be approximately 1,500 to 3,000 words in length. Abstracts for such pieces should be no more than 50 words long.
Manuscripts must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document (Times New Roman font, size 12, flush left, double spaced). All manuscripts must follow the current edition of the Chicago Manual of Style and should use endnotes. Do not use in-text citations and do not include a bibliography. In order to maintain an anonymous peer-review process, manuscript files should not include the author’s name, and citations to the author’s work should be redacted. For more information about the journal’s style, please download our style guide.
Materials submitted to Journal of Africana Religions (JOAR) must not have been previously published nor submitted for publication elsewhere while under review by JOAR editors. All manuscripts accepted are subject to editorial modification. Questions may be sent to the editors at .
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