Critical Philosophy of Race
Robert Bernasconi, Editor
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The critical philosophy of race consists in the philosophical examination of issues raised by the concept of race, the practices and mechanisms of racialization, and the persistence of various forms of racism across the world. Critical philosophy of race is a critical enterprise in three respects: it opposes racism in all its forms; it rejects the pseudosciences of old-fashioned biological racialism; and it denies that anti-racism and anti-racialism summarily eliminate race as a meaningful category of analysis. Critical philosophy of race is a philosophical enterprise because of its engagement with traditional philosophical questions and in its readiness to engage critically some of the traditional answers.
The journal's audience goes far beyond the teachers of courses in this area and their students as Critical Philosophy of Race intersects with a number of already vibrant areas within philosophy including history of philosophy, epistemology, ethics, social and political philosophy. However, the practice of critical philosophy of race is interdisciplinary insofar as it draws heavily on a number of other disciplines: legal studies, history, anthropology, sociology, comparative literature, African-American Studies, Latino/a and Hispanic Studies, and so forth. We expect that a significant part of the readership would be from these areas and for this reason the editorial board includes representatives not only from philosophy but also from other disciplines.
The journal publishes two issues per year (spring and fall) and will include peer reviewed articles, book reviews, and occasional critical commentaries.
The journal is sponsored by the Rock Ethics Institute at The Pennsylvania State University.
Robert Bernasconi, Penn State University, US
Managing Editor
LaVerne Maginnis, The Pennsylvania State University
Associate Editors
Kimberly Ann Harris, University of Virginia, US
William Paris, Wesleyan University, US
Assistant Editors
Cynthia Marrero-Ramos, Pennsylvania State University, US
Michelle Meeks, The Pennsylvania State University
Editorial Board
Robin Andreasen, University of Delaware, US
Andrew Curran, Wesleyan University, US
Zeynep Direk, Koç University, TR
Jorge Gracia, State University of New York at Buffalo, US
Leonard Harris, Purdue University, US
Sally Haslanger, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US
David H. Kim, University of San Francisco, US
Bill Lawson, University of Memphis, US
Rozena Maart, University of Kwa Zulu-Natal, ZA
Donna-Dale Marcano, Trinity College, US
Howard McGary, Rutgers University, US
José Medina, Northwestern University, US
Mariana Ortega, The Pennsylvania State University, US
Lucius Outlaw, Vanderbilt University, US
Tommie Shelby, Harvard University, US
Falguni Sheth, Emory University, US
Quayshawn Spencer, University of Pennsylvania, US
Dan Stone, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Shannon Sullivan, University of North Carolina, US
Robert J. C. Young, New York University, US
Associate Editorial Board
Linda Martín Alcoff, CUNY Graduate Center and Hunter College, US
David Theo Goldberg, University of California at Irvine, US
Jonathan Judaken, Rhodes College, US
Eduardo Mendieta, Penn State University
Charles Mills, CUNY Graduate Center, US
Ronald R. Sundstrom, University of San Francisco, US
Nancy Tuana, The Pennsylvania State University, US
Advisory Board
Anita Allen, University of Pennsylvania, US
Kwame Anthony Appiah, New York University, US
Frank Dikotter, University of Hong Kong, CN
Lewis Gordon, University of Connecticut, US
Patricia Hill Collins, University of Maryland, US
Achille Mbembe, Wiser Institute, Johannesburg, ZA
Critical Philosophy of Race publishes peer-reviewed articles that explore the philosophical dimensions of race, racism, and other race-related phenomena. The journal aims to provide a pluralistic forum for scholarly work from a broad range of perspectives. This committment to pluralism and breadth means that the journal encourages the use of a wide variety of methods and tools to study race, racism, and racialization. Accordingly, we welcome submissions from any philosophical orientation, without bias against or preference for any particular metaphilosophical orientation. We encourage research that examines the intersections of race with, for example, ethnicity, class, gender, and sexuality, as well as work that draws on or emerges from other academic disciplines, provided that the work bears on philosophical questions.
If you would like to submit an article to CPR please visit and create an author profile. The online system will guide you through the steps to upload your article for submission to the editorial office.
Institutional Print & Online - $251.00
Institutional Print or Online - $180.00
Institutional Single Issue - $97.00
Individual Print & Online - $63.00
Individual Print or Online - $46.00
Individual Single Issue - $30.00
Outside US add Shipping & Handling - $13.00
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