Welcome to the February issue of Bluelines!
It’s Black History Month and we’re running an African American Studies sale with discounts from 30–60% off. You can also visit our Tumblr page where we’re highlighting some of the titles, most recently The Urban Scene.
Make sure you don’t miss any of our sales, specials, or new releases; update your subscription here to include the email lists in your interest areas.
Our Spring/Summer 2020 catalog is now available! Browse a digital version here.
The PSU Press staff
Read an excerpt from Michelangelo’s Inner Anatomies by Christian K. Kleinbub on the Press blog.
Each month we’re highlighting a book available through PSU Press Unlocked, an open-access initiative featuring scholarly digital books and journals in the humanities and social sciences. This month’s pick: Genius Envy: Women Shaping French Poetic History, 1801-1900.
Broken Frontier calls Vanni: A Family’s Struggle Through the Sri Lankan Conflict by Benjamin Dix and Lindsay Pollock “a powerful and thorough examination of events that is never an easy read but is always a crucially important one.”
CAA.Reviews has published not one, but two reviews of Sam Rose’s Art and Form: From Roger Fry to Global Modernism
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